Nothing goes better with a nice juicy cheeseburger, or a piece of pizza then an ice cold soda pop. The best way to guarantee that your customers get the best beverage that they can get is to use a soda fountain dispenser in your restaurant. The way that the dispenser works is, the sugary syrup is mixed with carbon dioxide and water to create an amazingly airy beverage. By having soda fountain machines Los Angeles restaurant owners say that you can keep your customers happy with a great drink.
For some restaurants they choose to serve their beverages out of bottles and cans. Although this may be a good option for some owners, having a soda fountain is a sure thing for serving great drinks. With bottles and cans if they get shaken up too much in transport the hydrating goodness inside just does not taste the same. Also you never know who is touching the rim of the can from the time it is made until the time that it reached your lips. With a soda fountain dispenser you get a fresh cup and can drink through a previously wrapped straw to guarantee a germ free drink.
Also, drinking straight from aluminum cans or plastic bottles is not for your teeth. Having such direct contact can cause staining and deterioration. When you drink soda from a soda fountain through a straw, and causes the liquid to bypass the teeth and down the throat. The taste of soda fountain drinks is just always better. Even though all the ingredients are the same, the ratio of each part to be combined is different giving them that extra fizz. These beverages are also better because unlike cans and bottles that have their ingredients already mixed, soda fountains mix their ingredients fresh as it comes out of the nozzle.
Honestly, there are so many benefits to drinking out of a soda fountain dispenser over having your beverage out of a can or bottle.
· It It is healthier to drink fountain soda not only for your teeth, but also for the fact that you do not know what kind of contaminations came into contact with the top of your can.
· T The ratio that is mixed for the soda that comes out of the dispenser makes the fizz twice as good.
· T The refrigerator system and ice keeps your beverage much colder and more enjoyable than one coming out of a can or bottle.
No matter what fast food restaurant it is that you are going to, a nice cold soda fountain dispensed drink is the perfect cherry on top.